Tumaini Timbwani School
Tumaini is a Kiswahili word with a three part meaning; Hope, Trust and Confidence!
Our aim is to prepare young people to fulfil their potential! Encouraging them with Hope, Trust and Confidence; to use their skills, knowledge and commitment; to build and improve their home, their country and their world!
Tumaini Timbwani Nursery and Primary School opened it’s doors on the 12th January 2004; our children moved into the new children’s home in May 2004 and then in January 2006 we opened Tumaini Timbwani High School.
Our vision is to provide quality education to needy children in our area, in a secure environment, conducive to study. Thanks to the support of sponsors and the partnership of some parents we are getting there! Some children are still waiting for a sponsor; sponsorship makes a huge difference to their lives.
Please visit the Sponsorship page to find out how you can help a child today.
As well as receiving quality education in excellent surroundings, each sponsored child receives lunch, a school uniform, and access to text books, additional reading material and stationery.

Pre Primary

Pre Primary School started in February 2002 with 60 children and two teachers. With the help of Lightforce International we hired a small hall and started a mixed age class in the afternoons. Children who had missed out on Nursery Education came to learn with us, their ages varied form 3 to 12 years, which was quite a challenge for the teachers.
In January 2004 we moved to Tumaini. We now have classes in Pre-Primary, PP1 & PP2, each having around 40 children. Each child in nursery enjoys interactive learning with their teachers, not forgetting a great lunch.
Graduation is always a fun time as these children prepare to enter Primary School.

Primary School
Children at Tumaini benefit from an environment of love and encouragement, but rely on help from sponsors to keep them in school, forming a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.

Children begin their journey in primary at 6 years old in Grade 1. During Grade 3 and at the end of Grade 6, they are engaged in National assessments to track their progress. After Grade 6 they begin Grade 7, Junior Secondary School.

We have 6 classes of 40 students per class, as well as providing an excellent standard of education. We make our own uniforms so each is clean and smart.

At Tumaini Timbwani Primary we employ qualified Kenyan Teachers who work hard to prepare activities using available resources for interactive sessions to support learning. We aim to provide an opportunity and environment where children flourish into young adults, ready to take on the challenges faced by our community and nation.
Junior Secondary / High School
In January 2006 we opened Tumaini Timbwani High School. We started with around 60 students in 2 classes.
Today we have a full complement of students from Forms 1-4. As well as Junior Secondary Grades 7 & 8. Each class has 40 students progressing towards their National Examinations. Once they have passed they can be selected for University, apply for a College course or enter the work place.

We aim not only to offer excellent academic opportunities but also practical subjects such as agriculture and home science, we encourage students to participate in varied extra curricular activities,
Without a High School education it is becoming almost impossible to get a job.