History & Philosophy
Since 2004, Education for Life has provided a broad range of educational programs and services to facilitate the lifelong process called education. Our employees – teachers, support staff and administrators – are responsible for creating the unique educational environment in which students obtain the educational and training building blocks that will make their lives more fulfilled and rewarding. Few jobs are more important. Few organisations have such a capable, talented and diverse group of individuals as employees.
Educational Philosophy
We believe in preparing young people to fulfil their potential by encouraging them with Hope, Trust and Confidence, to use their skills, knowledge and commitment to build and improve their home, their country and their world. In order that each person may be educated, schools must develop a flexible curriculum to meet individual needs. Teachers must be prepared to understand each student from psychological, social, cultural and linguistic points of view.​
All those involved in education in Tumaini from the members of the School management to the students, work to promote the physical, and emotional health, social maturity, individual abilities, interests, and moral sensitivity of all our students.
Education for Life is a UK Reg. Charity No. 1078088 our vision is founded on the values seen in the Person and Life of Jesus Christ, everyone involved with Education for Life is given the opportunity to lean more about faith and trust in God ie kindness, justice, forgiveness and restoration.
Charity Objects
The advancement of the Christian Faith
The advancement of education, in particular but not exclusively, of children and young people
For such other charitable purpose or purposes for the benefit of the inhabitants of the local communities in Mombasa, Kenya